Spring 2021 Civil War Monitor cover

Spring 2021

Vol. 11, No. 1

United States Sanitary Commission at Gettysburg
Bryan Cheeseboro
Allan Pinkerton
John C. Calhoun
WWII Liberty Ships


An Unholy Alliance
Behind the cloak-and-dagger relationship between detective Allan Pinkerton and Army of the Potomac commander George B. McClellan
By Stephen W. Sears

Who’s Buried in Calhoun’s Tomb?
The unusual tale of John C. Calhoun’s final resting place, the site of one of the country’s earliest struggles over Civil War memory
By Ethan J. Kytle and Blain Roberts

Rebel Armada
How a number of WWII Liberty Ships came to be named after Confederates
By Noah Andre Trudeau


Editorial: The Spy and the General

Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest

Voices: Shirkers
Preservation: Road to Freedom
Faces of War: Fake News, 1864
Figures: United States Sanitary Commission at Gettysburg
Cost of War: Captain Nelson Ames’ Gauntlets
In Focus: The More Things Change…


Fighting Words: Kissing and Kicking Ass, by Tracy L. Barnett

Living History: The Hands-On Historian, by Jenny Johnston

Books & Authors:

War and Remembrance in Raintree County
By William Marvel

Parting Shot
: Saved by the Good Book