Summer 2022 Civil War Monitor cover

Summer 2022

Vol. 12, No. 2

Distorted Civil War bullets
Civil War discipline
French Leave during the Civil War
Fitz John Porter
Fraternization during the Civil War


The Framing of Fitz John Porter
After a crushing defeat at Second Bull Run, Union leaders looked for someone to blame. They soon found their man.
By William Marvel

A Solemn Duty
Comrades’ letters to the faraway families of soldiers killed in battle or by disease offered details and heartfelt condolences.
By Mark H. Dunkelman

My Enemy, My Friend
How romanticized tales of Civil War fraternization were used to promote postwar reconcilliation
By Lauren K. Thompson


Editorial: Bringing Down Porter

Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest

Voices: Salt Pork
Preservation: The Valor Trail
Faces of War: A Letter to Cousin Nancy
Primer: When Bullets Hit Bodies
Cost of War: Wartime Diary of Corporal Wilkinson D. Perrin
In Focus: A Grave Offense


Fighting Words: French Leave, by Tracy L. Barnett

Crossroads: William R.J. Pegram and Deliberate Courage, by Andrew S. Bledsoe

Books & Authors:

The Five Best Books on Lincoln and His Commanders
By Gerald J. Prokopowicz

Voices from the Army of Northern Virginia, Part 4
By Gary W. Gallagher

Parting Shot
: A Most Honorable Career