Fall 2021 Civil War Monitor cover

Fall 2021

Vol. 11, No. 3

escaped Union prisoners of war
Emira Prison
Rethinking Robert E. Lee
The Union Forever


Rethinking Robert E. Lee
He was lauded as the Confederacy’s best general, a commander of mythic status. The truth is more complicated.
By Allen C. Guelzo

The Union Forever!
How the concept of Union was vital to loyal citizens’ understanding of the Civil War—and why it should remain so today.
By Andrew F. Lang

Treason in Our Midst
In the war’s immediate aftermath, many border state residents were unwilling to forgive the actions of returning neighbors who had served in the Confederate army.
By Caroline E. Janney


Editorial: The Monitor Turns 10

Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest

Voices: Nicknames
Preservation: Tending to the West
Primer: Artillery Ordnance
Faces of War: Escape After Spotsylvania
Cost of War: A Ketchum Hand Grenade
In Focus: “Hellmira”


Fighting Words: Suits of Shoddy, by Tracy L. Barnett

Crossroads: John Bell Hood at Franklin, by Andrew S. Bledsoe

Books & Authors:

The Five Best Books on Civil War Guerrillas
By Matthew Christopher Hulbert

Voices from the Army of Northern Virginia, Part 2: Artillerists
By Gary W. Gallagher

Parting Shot
: “Hand Cock” the Superb