Fall 2015 Civil War Monitor cover

Fall 2015

Vol. 5, No. 3

69th New York Infantry
Confederate battle flag
Edwin W. Stanton
Climate, Weather, and the First Battle of Manassas


Embattled Banner
Our exclusive conversation with Pulitzer-Prize winning author Tony Horwitz on the recent backlash against the Confederate battle flag.

Minister of Deceit
The sly betrayals and treacherous workings of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton.
By William Marvel

Heat of Battle
Climate, weather, and the First Battle of Manassas.
By Kenneth W. Noe


Editorial: Embattled Banner

Salvo: Facts, Figures & Items of Interest

Travels: A Visit to Williamsburg
Voices: Thanksgiving
Faces of War: An Unlikely Friendship
Preservation: Victory for Campaign 150
Figures: Philadelphia’s Great Central Sanitary Fair
Disunion: Confederates in the Jungle
Cost of War: A Sergeant’s Lucky Coat
In Focus: Return of the 69th

Books & Authors:

Voices from the Army of the Potomac, Part 6

By Gary W. Gallagher

The Books That Built Me

By Lesley J. Gordon

Parting Shot: Lee Photo Rediscovered