9 Published: 3/18/24The Man Who Broke The KlanBy: Fergus M. BordewichCategory: Articles How U.S. Army officer and Civil War veteran Lewis Merrill took on—and routed—the Ku Klux Klan in postwar South Carolina
10 Published: 9/15/23Hints to SoldiersBy: The Civil War MonitorCategory: Illustrations The Soldier in Our Civil War, a multi-volume work about the Civil War published in 1893, showcases many of the illustrations that appeared during the conflict in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. The...
Published: 3/24/23Extra Voices: Battle FatigueBy: The Civil War MonitorCategory: Quotes National Archives In the Voices section of our Spring 2023 issue we highlighted quotes about the onset of battle fatigue among soldiers in the Union and Confederate armies. Unfortunately, we...
Published: 6/22/22Invisible Wounds (2021)By: Jonathan S. JonesCategory: Book Reviews Historians of the Civil War have been fascinated by mental illness since the late 1990s, when the topic was first raised in earnest by the historian Eric T. Dean, Jr....
Published: 12/17/21Extra Voices: War’s Grisly TollBy: The Civil War MonitorCategory: Quotes First-person quotes from Union and Confederate soldiers on the grisly impact of Civil War Combat.