Bowling with Beauregard

Good afternoon! Here’s a little Friday Funny to celebrate the end of the work week.

Published in the April 26, 1862 edition of Harper’s Weekly, this Justin Howard cartoon celebrates Union Admiral Andrew Hull Foote’s victories during the Mississippi River campaign: Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, New Madrid, and Island No. 10. In the cartoon, Foote himself is astride two Union gunboats—perhaps paying homage to his work overseeing the outfitting of gunboats for the Mississippi River flotilla—and has just bowled over “Island 10.” Foote challenges the Confederate general to “Set ’em up again Beauregard” while President Abraham Lincoln adds “Island X” to his blackboard list of Union victories. Notably, Harper’s Weekly printed this cartoon prior to receiving news of the fall of New Orleans.

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Sarah Morgan’s Arrival in Yankee-Occupied New Orleans

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